Wednesday 26 November 2014

About Online Games

I talk about online games.
I hadn't played online games on pc,
because I can't use Internet well.
Right now, I tried an online game,
but I couldn't understand how to play it and how to open the game.
After that, I could play a game, but it was boring.
When I was an elementary school student,
I used to play games on game cube.
I was crazy about playing Mario kart.
After school, I always played it with my friends.
Nowadays I don't like playing games.
I think playing games is fan, but I noticed it is waste of time.
If I play games, I'll be crazy about it, and I can't do anything else..
So I think I should do other things. study or something..

Wednesday 19 November 2014

After Reading The Article

Is chivalry dead?
It is difficult to answer the question,
because there are kind people and unkind people on a train or
other public transportation.
I can't believe why don't any people give a seat to pregnant women?
Why do any people sit a priority seat?
I've seen a man who give a seat to a pregnant woman.
When I saw the scene, I was glad,
and the man looked cool,
but I think that's only natural.
It's not the rule.
People should do that which is a matter of course.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

About Etiqutte

 I'll talk about C-train and buses of Calgary etiquette.
I sometimes take C-train, and I take a bus everyday.
When I took both of them in the first time,
I remember I was surprised.
People ate an apple or something, and a few people called cellphone.
In Japan, everyone usually doesn't eat and call cellphone
because they are not polite.
In addition, buses of Calgary are not on time.
They are almost late, so I feel pretty cold while I am waiting.
But I know a good thing of the buses.
It is the bus drivers is very kinder than Japan.
When I don't know how to go to place that I want to go,
the bus driver always tell me kindly and friendly.
And everyone is kind for pregnant women, old people and children.
Accordingly, if Canadian people become a little politer,
I think I don't mind about the etiquette
because the kindness is the most important.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

My Long Weekend Plan

I'll talk about my long weekend plan.
This Friday, I stay at the library in U of C with my friends,
and we're going to watch movies of Ghibli all of the night.
I have a lot of movies to want to watch.
I think they are fun and become good study for me :)
Next, I'm going to go to Edmonton with 5 friends on Sunday to Monday,
but we just decided it 2 days ago, so we have to think about detail plans.
Edmonton is a capital city of Alberta, and
there is a huge mall in Edmonton.
There is like an amusement park in the mall!
I want to listen my host father about Edmonton because
there is his hometown.

After I come home, I'm going to cook "Okonomiyaki" and "Oyakadon"
for my host family.
They are my favorite food.

I want to eat them, and I hope my host family to like them.